About 2/3 of seeds germinate, which is frustrating when you are starting a grow! In the article below, we discuss a way to germinate your seed prior to starting a grow.
- Take your root starter, and soak it in water for roughly 5 minutes.
- Taking your snips, make a small snip coming from the hole of the root starter.
- Take your seed and insert it into starter with the pointy side facing down.
- Taking a quart size zip lock baggie, place the root starter into the bag and seal. Squeeze out the excess air to the bag, so there is around 10-20% of air remaining. Seal the bag so humidity cannot escape.
- Place the sealed bag under a lamp until the seed germinates. The hole of the root starter should point up. You can take the lower corners of the bag, fold them toward the center, and tape them to create a base so the root starter stands up (see picture). Germination should take around 3-5 days.
- Once the seed is germinated, place the root starter into the plastic grow pod and begin your grow.
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