What are the symptoms of Nutrient Burn? The edges of the leaves will yellow or brown at the edges. You might also see discoloration of some leaves, such as spots or patches. Unlike heat stress, the tips of your leaves will start to curl down. These signs indicate that the plant is either receiving an excess of nutrients, or not enough.
Causes of Nutrient Burn: Your plant is getting either too many nutrients, or not enough with each cycle.
What to do: If you are concerned about your plant, please take photo of the leaves of concern and email it to support@annaboto.com. Our support team will assess the plants condition and adjust the recipe accordingly. After adjusting, all we will ask of you is to restart your machine and start a cycle, so Annaboto will be able to download the new recipe for you plant.
Plant Maintenance: If the Nutrient Burn is caught early, your plant leaves will recover. If however, any leaves have fully yellowed or browned, carefully snip them off as they will not turn green again and could shade your remaining healthy leaves.
Why does this happen to some plants, and not all? Our nutrient cartridge does a fabulous job of giving you plant exactly what it needs. However, it is not one size fits all. Different factors such as temperature, water quality, and general growth means that sometimes we have to adjust the recipe. Our team is dedicated to making sure that your plant is getting the right nutrients at the right time, and will produce a successful growth.
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